Singing Guide: Laverne and Shirley

Singing Guide: Laverne and Shirley

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Laverne and Shirley was a popular American television show that aired from 1976-1983 and was known for its opening theme song, "Making Our Dreams Come True." The show followed the lives of two roommates, Laverne DeFazio and Shirley Feeney, who worked in a Milwaukee brewery. Although the TV show wasn't focused on singing, Lenny and Squiggy, their neighbors and longtime friends, were known to break into song every once in a while.

If you'd like to learn how to sing like Laverne and Shirley, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, they were known for their upbeat personalities and harmonizing skills, so practicing your ear training and harmonization techniques is a great place to start.

Another tip is to focus on their breath control, timing, and vocal clarity. You can work on these skills by trying Singing Carrots' vocal range test to determine your vocal range and assessing your pitch accuracy with the pitch accuracy test. The Pitch Training section of Singing Carrots' site also offers interactive warm-ups, pitch visualizers, and exercises for range and agility.

When it comes to songs showcasing their vocal technique, it's hard not to think of their famous theme song, "Making Our Dreams Come True," which is a great example of their harmonization skills and clear vocals. Other songs to consider practicing include "We Got Pepper," "Shotgun Wedding," and "High Priced Dates."

If you're unsure of where to start, Singing Carrots' song search feature can help you find songs that fit your vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference.

Remember to incorporate proper breathing techniques, maintain good posture, and practice regularly to see improvement in your singing abilities. Good luck with your singing journey!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.